Sep 152017
[ English ]

Bingo is a very beloved past time, especially with the older generation. Even though bingo can be a blast to play at times, most of the time it is pretty boring, and the odds of succeeding are fairly small. Bingo is a game of chance because you have no say over the results of the outcome. You are provided a sheet of paper with pre-determined numbers, and just about all you are able to do is hope for the best. That doesn’t appear to be great does it? What’s a better substitute to praying you are going to succeed participating in bingo? Betting on online casinos! Here are 3 reasons why net casinos are more superior than the game of bingo.

Reason 1 – Greater Control Over The Outcome

Bingo is a game of chance. If you aren’t given the winning numbers when you buy your bingo card(s), you certainly won’t win. Internet poker, e.g., is the complete opposite. Net poker focuses on skill, and a bit of fortune. If you are skilled enough, you will be able to succeed a lot of the time wagering on web poker.

Reason Two – A Humongous Welcome Bonus

I love the idea of gettinga gratis five hundred dollar sign up bonus just for signing up with an internet casino. How often does that arise when you go to play bingo?

Reason Three – A Huge Choice Of Entertaining Games

Bingo is an awfully repetitive, and sometimes, mind numbing game. Want to experience lots of excitement? The majority of internet casinos offer more games than you can dream of! Roulette, slots, twenty-one, and many other flashing games with delightful audio and visual displays.

If you prefer to gamble on bingo, then I recommend you to continue playing it. However, if you are seeking a change, and looking to potentially win a lot of cash, then I recommend giving online casinos a chance. They are easy to access, exciting, fast, and very easy to use. Not just that, but you also have a lot more control over the outcome of your wagers!

Sep 132017

Much has been reported in the papers recently concerning the bingo industry being hit as a consequence of the smoking ban in the UK. Conditions have grown so poor that in Scotland the Bingo industry has demanded massive aid to assist in keeping the businesses from going bankrupt. But can the net adaptation of this quintessential game provide a escape, or might it never compare to its bricks and mortar equivalent?

Bingo is an enduring game usually enjoyed by the "blue rinse" generation. Although the game recently had undergone a recent increase in acceptance with younger men and women deciding to hit the bingo parlours instead of the clubs on a weekend. This is all about to get flipped on its head with the enacting of the cigarette ban all over Britain.

Players will no longer be permitted to smoke while marking numbers. Beginning in the summer of ‘07 all public locations will no longer be allowed to permit cigarettes in their buildings and this includes Bingo parlors, which are possibly the most favorite places where players like to puff on cigarettes.

The effects of the anti cigarette law can already be seen in Scotland where smoking is already banned in the bingo parlors. Profits have plunged and the business is absolutely fighting for its life. But where have all the players gone? Surely they have not deserted this ancient game?

The answer is on the net. Players know that they can bet on bingo using their computer while enjoying a cocktail and cigarette and in the end, have a chance at monstrous cash rewards. This is a recent anomaly and has timed itself just about perfectly with the ban on smoking.

Of course betting on on the internet is unlikely to replace the collective portion of going over to the bingo parlor, but for a demographic of people the rules have left a good many bingo enthusiasts with no option.

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