Will the Anti Smoking Law in England Take Bingo Enthusiasts On to the Internet? The Wonderful Environment of Net Bingo!
Jul 092024

Much has been stated in the papers just a while ago regarding the bingo industry struggling as a consequence of the anti smoking law in Britain. Conditions have become so bad that in Scotland the Bingo industry has called for massive aid to assist in keeping the businesses from going bankrupt. But does the internet variation of this classic game provide a escape, or will it in no way compare to its real life equivalent?

Bingo is an established game historically played by the "blue rinse" generation. In any case the game lately had experienced a recent resurgence in popularity with younger men and women opting to hit the bingo parlours rather than the clubs on a Friday night. This is all about to be reversed with the introduction of the anti smoking law around UK.

No longer will players be allowed to smoke at the same time dabbing numbers. From the summer of ‘07 every public location will no longer be allowed to permit cigarettes in their venues and this includes Bingo parlours, which are possibly the most popular places where people enjoy smoking.

The outcome of the anti cigarette law can already be observed in Scotland where smoking is already illegal in the bingo parlors. Players have plummeted and the business is absolutely fighting for to stay alive. But where have the players gone? Obviously they haven’t deserted this established game?

The answer is on the internet. Gamblers realize that they can play bingo using their computer at the same time enjoying a beverage and smoke and in the end, have a chance at monstrous cash rewards. This is a recent anomaly and has timed itself bordering on perfect with the anti cigarette law.

Of course betting on on the web is unlikely to replace the collective aspect of heading over to the bingo parlor, but for a group of men and women the governing edicts have left a lot of bingo players with no choice.

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