Jun 042022
Much has been reported in the press just a while ago about the bingo industry being hit because of the anti cigarette law in Britain. Things have grown so bad that in Scotland the Bingo industry has asked for big tax cuts to help keep the businesses from going bankrupt. But will the internet version of this traditional game present a reprieve, or might it never compare to its real life relative?
Bingo is an classic game usually played by the "blue rinse" generation. Although the game lately had witnessed a recent comeback in appeal with younger men and women opting to visit the bingo halls rather than the bars on a Saturday night. All this is about to be destroyed with the legislating of the anti smoking law around United Kingdom.
No more will enthusiasts be able to puff on cigarettes while dabbing numbers. From the summer of 2007 every public area will not be permitted to allow smoking in their buildings and this includes Bingo parlours, which are possibly the most popular places where many people enjoy smoking.
The results of the cigarette ban can already be seen in Scotland where smoking is already barred in the bingo halls. Numbers have dropped and the business is beyond a doubt fighting for to stay alive. But where did all the players go? Surely they have not abandoned this age old game?
The answer is on the net. People realise that they can bet on bingo using their computer at the same time enjoying a beer and cigarette and in the end, enjoy monstrous jackpots. This is a recent development and has happened bordering on perfect with the ban on smoking.
Of course playing on the internet will never replace the collective aspect of going down to the bingo parlour, but for a demographic of players the rules have left a good many bingo players with no alternative.
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